How To Deploy PHP Laravel Application in Cloud Servers Faster

Omar Alalwi
3 min readMar 31, 2021

The professional Developers eager to deploy Laravel Applications in Strong and Scalable Cloud Infrastructure, They Never Thinking about Shared Hosting, it is bad Solution for Large Applications.

laravel and AWS

According My Experience as A full stack developer and Vuejs since 4 years, I tried all available solutions to hosting Laravel applications and noticed differences.

Shared hosting is suitable for small websites that are don’t need to continues development, because the continues development will take a lot of your time while you are in shared hosting. Also Many Reasons you will facing while you are in shared hosting.

The best solution for Large and scalable Laravel Applications is the Cloud Servers with (AWS & Google Cloud & Digital Ocean) that are scalable and Can grow with traffic and disk space usage, but many of developers hit this because the time that will spent in configure server and install extensions, set up NginX server, Apache Server, My Sql, PHP, NodeJS, Git, Composer ….etc. I really tried this solution it is great but take a lot of time for configuration and setting up server and related services .

While I was search about way to keep my time while setting up new server for many laravel applications, before 16 months, I found Great platform that is introduce all this and safe time, it is pre configured servers with (AWS & Google Cloud & Digital Ocean …etc ) with all services that needed for php applications (Laravel, Wordpress, Magento …etc). it is managed hosting , or you can see managed servers for PHP applications, they reseller for cloud servers from 5 cloud providers.

I take 10 days of Trail to test their services and ensure that (they are really partners with best Cloud services providers (AWS , Google, Digital Ocean), then I try first low server that start from 6$ to 12$ from digital ocean via this platform.

Now I hve 5 Servers for my clients and more than 15 Applications, all servers are pay as you go. I safe my time with manage these servers, when my customer need to scale his server it is just some clicks to do that. Also it is support projects and teams and more features.

Really I don’t like speak any thing if I not use it long period, and evaluate all it’s advantages and disadvantages.

They have some disadvantages:-

Price is 40% more than price with original cloud provider.

Some extensions that needed in large applications like php GPRC that needed with some packages like (firebase notifications) not pre installed in server, you need to contact with support team to install it.

But They have many advantages that I found while 16 months of experience:-

You don’t need to config any service or extension, all services are configured perfectly in server and ready to use.

Great Support Team.

You can start fast during 10 to 20 minutes from 0 to get your app live.

Easy control panel to manage all server and applications services very easy like (change php version, or MySql ..etc).

Easy to run many applications in same server.

Easy to transfer server to another client or user in same platform.

Great performance.

High security and many features for that.

All features that available in cloud servers you will find in your control panel.


This is the summary of my experience with hosting large scalable Laravel apps.

Please share me your experience in comments or by email, if you have solution better than this.

